Time launch
Launch on PancakeSwap
To avoid scams, follow our Telegram to know exactly which CA to buy
To avoid scams, follow our Telegram to know exactly which CA to buy
12 people, living and working in Florida. 8 years of experience in meme projects, key staff who have succeeded with ETH 100m marketcap meme projects. And the youth elements, we are here in a position to elevate the meme BSC
With the return of BSC. We're going to lead the trend with a brand new meme, so the project is called "Baby"
Don't just turn babyETH into a mere meme project. We will build the surrounding ecosystem, have NFT DAO and many projects related to this idea in the future.
Make a plan, connect with famous partners who have worked together, build a website with a clear plan, and call on the community. Build a solid holder community.
MoreLaunching babyETH on PancakeSwap - Fair Launch - Clean Contract Address - CA will be pinned by Admin on Telegram when the project launches.
MoreBuild NFTs, DAOs, Tokens. Development will depend a lot on the community's reaction to the project when launched.